Club Policy
User data:
To participate in our Round Robin tournaments, your name will be part of the public records as we published round robin results after every tournament. It's the Club's policy to maintain a consistent and complete records like we have always done for over 30 years.
Player Maximum:
Our policy is to try to accommodate all players arriving and signing up for the Round Robin in time, no matter how
many we are. The process of assigning players to groups and tables is often complicated but we have a good
computer program to facilitate it. This process has two goals: The first is to have everyone assigned to groups
where the other players are of the same level. With exception for the table winner promotion rule (see #4 below)
this arrangement is made in accordance with the current club rating. With newcomers, it is of course more
complicated, but our policy is to rather have them climb than descend our club rating (i.e. rather giving a too
low, than a too high initial rating). The second goal is to get started as soon as possible, once the sign-up
deadline has passed. The ideal group size is 6 players, with no less than 2 tables (3 players/table). At the
moment (and for the foreseeable future) we have 20 tables at our disposal. As soon as we are more than 60 players
we have to "squeeze in" more than 3 players on average per table. No exact scheme for how this should ideally be
made (given different numbers of players) has yet been drawn up, but we try to be as fair as possible with the
goal that everyone should be able to finish approximately the same number of matches (ideally at least 4). A
slight preference, however, is given to the highest rated table(s) in order to attract skilled players (which
everyone can enjoy watching) to the club.
Warm-up time:
A maximum of two minutes warm-up time is standard, but this should be minimized (towards zero minutes) when the
club is crowded.
Late Arrivals:
Players must sign up by 6:45 PM to play. Either in person or by text to the late line.
Late players arriving before 7:15PM will begin play with their next scheduled match based on
the score sheet. Time permitting, the skipped matches can be made up after all other matches have been
played, if both the late player and his/her opponent agree to play the match. Matches not completed
will be scored 0-0.
Late players arriving after 8PM will begin play with their next scheduled match based on
the score sheet. Time permitting, the skipped matches can be made up after all other matches have been
played, if both the late player and his/her opponent agree to play the match. Matches not completed
will be defaulted and scored 3-D.
When possible, we will try to be flexible for first-time players who arrive late, but only if they can be
accommodated readily into the round-robin.
Promotion of table winners to next level:
The Round Robin groups are each Friday created strictly according to the current ratings, except for the
principle of table winner promotion. This principle means that the player who won his/her respective table
(marked by red color on the result sheet) is guaranteed the right to play on the next higher table the directly
following week, unless he/she is rated more than 150 points below the lowest two players on the table they would
be promoted to. This is to ensure that the promoted player will be within 150 rating points of at least one
player on the table they are promoted to.
Ratings system:
The basic rating formula calculates the rating outcome of each individual match and awards 16 points to a 3-0
winner over an equally rated opponent. If the players in a match do not have equal rating (the usual case),
these 16 points are modified, up or down, with 4% of the rating difference between the involved players. This
means, for example, that a player rated 400 points or more above his opponent gains 0 point for a 3-0 victory
(4% of 400 is 16). In addition, individual games won by the loser in a match count for 2 points each, i.e. if
the same player as in the example above beats his/her opponent (rated 400 points or more below) with 3-2,
he/she will in fact lose 4 points. These individual rating outcomes for each match are shown on the result
sheet in the “Rating change vs.” section. (Note that all rating changes for players rated 2000 or above are
cut in half, in order to make it more difficult for the highest rated players to earn bonus points).
Players who during one Friday night gain more than 24 rating points are awarded with bonus points according to
the simple principle that all gained points above 24 count twice. If the sum of someone’s rating changes from
all his/her individual matches, for example, is 30 he will in fact receive 36 points. These bonus points are
awarded as a measure to counter the built-in deflation (due to the fact that players improve over time) in the
system. The implication of this bonus system is that it is a good idea, if you want to improve your rating
fast, not only to beat better rated players, but also to try to win as many matches as possible in one evening.
See the Rating system page for more info.
Score Correction Policy:
Scores recorded erroneously can be corrected if both players agree that a mistake has been made. The correction
will be reflected in the following week's results sheet.
Juniors Program:
Contact our Club Coach, Bunny Lee, for information. The current juniors program meets
on Saturdays. Special fees are required to participate.
Pre-tournament warm-up:
Players should accommodate those who wish to do cross-table warm-up.
Default if leaving early:
Players who leave the tournament before 9:35 PM (independent of the reason) will default their remaining matches
(if any), given that the opponent wishes to play, and the opponent will be given a rating credit of 10 points.
Such default matches should be marked on the score sheet with a "3" for the winner and "def" for the loser (the
one who left). After 9:35, match score involving a player who leaves early will be 0-0.
Manual rating adjustments:
Subjective rating adjustments are often conducted for new players (approx. the 1-3 first times they play at our
club) in order to reduce the impact on our collective rating caused by the subjectively assigned and often
misleading initial ratings. If you are a new player, or for some other reason, feel that your rating is very
misleading, feel free to notify us (directly on a Friday night or by personal email) and we will consider an
adjustment. We won’t, however, adjust anyone’s rating without a good reason. Newcomers who have a USATT rating
should normally use it the first time they play at our club.
Coaching During Matches. Players, parents, and coaches
are reminded that no coaching is to be given to the players during
matches, either between points or between sets. In addition players are
not allowed any time outs during matches. Coaching in between matches is
of course perfectly fine as long as it does not disrupt the tournament
in any way. The reason for this rule is that we have a tight time
schedule on Friday nights and coaching slows play down enough to affect
how many matches are played on each table